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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I am so happy!

I am able to get new insurance!!! I am so excited I cannot stand it!  I can get my shots in my back! I can get my carpal tunnel fixed!  I can get an MRI of the knee that I think I tore the meniscis (sp)
We can get the blood work that we need in our 50's
I am so relieved I cannot put it into words.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sad garden update

Well, I am almost to the point of pulling all my tomatoes.  I have blight now from all the rain. It is so so hard to loose so many tomatoes when you raised them from seed, worked hard on giving them great growing conditions, and then the rain does not stop for over a month and the sun is hiding most days :(
I usually have no problems with things eating my garden either because of the three dogs, but something is eating my green beans! I seriously wanted to cry when I went out to my garden yesterday.  I am going to re evaluate the garden in a few days and may pull all of the really bad plants, then just replant with fall stuff. I will purchase a bushel of tomatoes and beans to can this year.  My trail of tears climbing beans are doing great.  My cukes are doing well too.  I dug potatoes yesterday for dinner and to see if they were rotting because of all the rain, thank goodness they are ok. I haven't had this bad of a year in over ten years and it really is disheartening to go thru all the work, and anticipation to have it fail. I think next year I am going to just build a new bed for the tomatoes and give all the current beds a break on them for at least a year.  I do rotate, but maybe I need longer between rotations.
Do any of you have suggestions as to what would be good to plant if I pull the tomatoes?  Something that will battle the problems I am having? What is a good feeder?  Any suggestions are welcome.

How are your gardens doing?  Have you ever had a failure year? It is disgusting isn't it lol.

Peace and Blessings

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Why is there no publicity around yesterdays cyber "problems"

I have only recently gotten involved in preparedness. I could read the signs and found people online who I thought I could learn from, and who could help me to read the signs if I did not see something coming. I am learning so much, unfortunately I am nowhere near where I need to be if we have an incident, I would survive a short term emergency, but not a long term one. I am feeling the need to get better prepared.  I feel like God is nudging me in this direction, and I felt it before yesterday, but felt the need to share and get others opinions today.

What do you think happened yesterday with Wall Street and United Airlines?  Do you think it is all a coincidence?? I do not.  As Handsome and number 2 son and I were discussing this last night we all agree that there is no way this is a coincidence.  I am convinced that "the government" got involved and said no way are we saying this was and attack.  People would rush their banks and investments. I know I would.  Let me ask you, would you have flown yesterday or today even if you thought for one minute that the airlines could so easily be hacked, even though most informed people these days realize how vulnerable we really are. If this was a cyber attack or the "practice" run for one, and the media reported on that, our country would panic. The smart ones would see it as a very large warning sign, those that have been studying this and getting prepared for it are saying, we told you so.
I am trying not to worry, as I need to rely on the fact that God will indeed take care of me.
 My theory on all the cyber crap is this will institute the beginning of a individual microchip, meant to "protect" you from the cyber problems. The young people will think nothing of it at all, they are used to technology developing by leaps and bounds. Some young Christian people will know right away what it is. I am expecting it, and when that happens, we will need to be prepared, and I mean really prepared, as we will not be able to function without their device. We will have to have enough to care for our family until we are raptured or Jesus comes back.  It is an overwhelming thought isn't it?

I need to be way better prepared.  I need so many things, and my lists keep getting longer.  I am trying not to be discouraged because every step forward is going to help my family. I just feel the clock ticking, it is coming, what ever form "it" takes.

I really wish some media outlet would not let the government explanation go un investigated.  We cannot just sweep this incident under the carpet.  That along with the tweet from anonymous , the problems in Greece, and the real issues that China has going on, that we do not hear a word about in the media it seems.  Everything is ooookayy, according to "them"  dont worry, be happy.......

I may not worry, but I am not stupid, I can see the signs, and I am listening to the voice that is telling me be prepared be prepared.

Peace and Blessings

Monday, July 6, 2015

Insurance rant

I broke down and made an appointment with the Dr. who did the epidural injections in my back. I could not take the pain any longer. I had them about four years ago,maybe five, and after three of them I was out of pain, until now.  I doctored it for months, it is a birth defect in my back, that will probably eventually need surgery, but not until I have run out of options. Nothing is helping.  I made an appointment with said Dr. before vacation to get some type of pain relief so that I could enjoy my vacation, kayak, walk, you know, vacation stuff.  He gave me short term steroids and some pain meds and I made it ok.  I agreed to a shot because I am in so much pain that I would have said yes to anything.
That was a month ago.  As the day (today) came to get it done I started having such anxiety about the bill that I ended up cancelling the appointment.  I have been crying and angry since then.  I have insurance, if you want to call it that.  I know I have ranted about this before, but since Obama care,  my insurance is TERRIBLE, we have a NINE THOUSAND $ DEDUCTIBLE. So they do not pay anything until you have hit $9000.  I could not do it.  I could not go thru with burdening my family and myself with that bill.
So I called, cancelled and asked for a oral steroid.  I was in so much anxiety thinking about all the other things we need, and the money we don't have.  I decided that I will see if this will work as a short term patch.
I think this is what those idiots who wanted Obama care wanted. They wanted people to stop just going to the Dr to get fixed.  No more on demand health care for the middle class (which I think we are very very low middle class, you know paycheck to paycheck,now that we pay almost one paycheck to insurance we don't use, and only have in case of catastrophic illness).  No, but I know people personally that are getting surgery done on every ailment they have.  They are younger too.  I just turned 52. My Handsome is 54.  We are getting to the age where we are starting to have issues.  But we can't or won't get them fixed because we can't afford to.  Where are my subsidies?  Where is my hand out? Why do I have to live in pain, yet those who never even tried to get health insurance before this can get whatever they need?
My rant on many levels is based on this fact.  THEY COULD HAVE BOUGHT LOW COST HEALTH INSURANCE BEFORE!
I cannot stand when they say "well I could not get insurance before". Yes you could have. You could have bought insurance at anytime, but you said no, it was too expensive, so you opted out.  You chose not to purchase it.  Me, we chose to take jobs that offered it, and we PAID for it.  Yes we paid for it back then too, only they did not force this unreasonable deductible on us. They did not make it so that we have to chose food, mortgage or pain relief.  YOU chose not to buy insurance when you could have. Now the responsible people are paying for your idiocy.
I cry today. I cry because I cannot get relief unless I want to go into debt bigger than a small car. I cry because what will happen when I need more pain medicine? Am I going to be seen as a druggy? Or will they accept that Obama care has placed me in this situation.
Those of you, those who said they could not get insurance before, you did not care before because most did not have a house they could loose.  Well I do, and I cannot do the irresponsible thing and just run up a bill, because of the very real possibility of loosing my home.
So I suffer, and cry, and pray that this country will vote for the people who have the ability to help us.
Peace and Blessings