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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Just a few goings on

Well today has nothing to do with handsome and I other than to say things have been pretty darn good!!  We have been enjoying each others company, talking, reminiscing.  It has been very nice. No feelings of insecurity have reared their ugly head in the past week or so.  We had a lovely time at camp, even though it rained every night.  It rains every time we camp, so I was not surprised lol.

I figured today if I can figure it out I may put in some pictures of my garden. or at least some produce.  I have had a great garden year so far, at least until it turned 70 degrees for a HIGH temp here, which is NOT summer weather.  I worry now that all my tomatoes will not ripe  without some warm nights.  My peppers which were eaten by aphids at first are finally coming back, but they do not like the cool weather and will probably quit producing.  Now the beans, they are going CRAZY!  And I am still picking beans.
The county farm show is going on next week, and I am going to enter a bunch of stuff.  I used to enter so we got a free ticket to get in, but I have some nice produce and flowers, so I decided to enter anything I can, hey top prize in each category is $4!!!!!!!
I always have fun at the farm show, no I do not ride the scary rides, or even not scary rides, but I love looking at all the great produce and quilts and animals.  It is right up the street from me, which is even nicer! So all and all, this has been a nice week or so.  I hope that you are having a good week too.  Whether it is in your garden or in your marriage.
I pray for any here who are struggling in their marriage, that they can do the hard work that will help to restore it.
Peace and Blessings.


  1. Hey come to Central Missouri and go camping will ya? We need some rain bad.

  2. lol, Missouri is feast or famine isnt it! I hated to hear you lost 2 acres of pumpkins, how aweful! I want to post some pix of my garden today if time....
