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Monday, June 16, 2014

open mouth, and out comes some built up resentment

Family, extended family, can bring out THE worst in people.  My in law family is as deeply entwined in my life as is possible. Hanson's mother has lived here for thirteen long years.
There are a bunch of hard feelings going on right now, and an upcoming wedding! Boy how that mixes, huh?!
The story is too long for my kindle, but I overheard Handsome talking to the wicked witch, (my sister in law is a REAL witch, sigh another story).
Because I only overheard part of the conversation, I jumped to a few conclusions. That is not good, when your emotions are in high gear....
So I went outside, I weeded the gardens. I watched my peas grow, lol. I sat on the swing, getting upset, and feeling hurt. When I came in I was properly worked up. So I blurted. A bunch. Guess what tho, I had jumped to conclusions, but one thing in my emotional outburst was true. I was feeling under valued, and very unloved. I had t ok him that. I have discussed my need for more intimacy, need more display of love. Since his affair, I NEED this, like air, I need an I love you.
I don't get them unless I say it first. All physical touch is initiated by me. I have brought this to his attention as well. He has not been following up well.
So tonight I snapped. I told him how I felt. He of course did not address that, but we did get the family situation fixed, for now.
But you want to know something? I am glad I said it. I want him to think about it.
Peace and blessings

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